Eurodad – End-Term evaluation of the EU-funded Umbrella Grant and Mid-Term Strategy Review
Background: In 2019, Eurodad was awarded the European Commission’s 2018-2022 Umbrella CSO-LA 2018-870 grant (the “EC Grant”). Based on the deliverables and desired outcomes from the EC Grant, Eurodad developed their 2021-2025 Strategy and Strategy Implementation Plan.
Our Role: Q3 Strategy undertook an Endline Evaluation of the EU Umbrella grant, which provided funding to all Eurodad’s activities, growth and restructuring from 2018 to 2023. The end line evaluation aimed to undertake a summative impact evaluation, looking at the returns on investments and on the impact of all of Eurodad’s activities, alongside their relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.
Our Approach: Following the development of a detailed evaluation plan (which included the KEQs and indicators, data sources, data collection tools and methodologies and stakeholder mapping), we engaged with over 114 stakeholders across Eurodad’s staff, partners and allies, as well as policymakers / multilateral organisations, donors and media. Different stakeholder groups have been engaged through in-person workshops, virtual workshops, key informant interviews, focus group discussions and online surveys, depending on their levels of interest and influence on Eurodad’s work.
Outcome: The end evaluation focused on the identification of best practices and lessons learned, and a dissemination workshop was undertaken to ensure learnings would be incorporated into upcoming programmes and activities.