Eurodad – Mid-Term Strategy Review

Summary: Q3 Strategy undertook a Mid Term Review (MTR) of Eurodad’s 2021-2025 Strategy, to assess the progress of the network’s work towards its objectives to strengthen CSO’s coordinated action and harnessing more robust and sustained collective action towards decision-makers to push for critical global reforms. The MTR of Eurodad’s Strategy is also looking at assessing internal ways of working to identify best practices, challenges and gaps in internal structures.

Our Approach: Following the development of a detailed evaluation plan (which included the KEQs and indicators, data sources, data collection tools and methodologies and a stakeholder mapping), we are currently engaging with over 50 stakeholders across Eurodad’s staff, partners and allies, as well as policy makers / multilateral organisations, donors and media. Different stakeholder groups have been engaged through in person workshops, virtual workshops, key informant interviews, focus group discussions and online surveys, depending on their levels of interest and influence on Eurodad’s work.

Outcome: Recommendations were discussed during the Strategy company retreat to improve ways of working.