WaterAid – Baseline Assessment
Summary: WaterAid’s Global Policy and Campaigns (GPAC) Team is currently engaged in a strategic planning process aiming to align their activities with the organization’s overarching goals for improving water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in their focus countries. To facilitate long-term progress tracking, Q3 Strategy is developing a comprehensive baseline assessment framework against which improvements in the WASH sector can be monitored.
Approach: Q3 Strategy will conduct an extensive review of GPAC’s 3-year strategy milestones, aligning efforts with existing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) materials to ensure coherence and avoid duplication of research. Key indicators and data sources for each milestone will be identified, encompassing both quantitative and qualitative data sources, and compiled to develop a draft assessment framework outlining indicators. Then, through a collaborative process with WaterAid, the baseline indicators will be refined and prioritized to ensure alignment with organizational priorities and objectives. Using the finalized baseline assessment framework, the Q3 Strategy will conduct extensive research to extract desk-based indicators and determine the current status of prioritized indicators. Findings will be presented in a draft baseline assessment report. Identified gaps will be highlighted to guide future research efforts. Finally, in collaboration with WaterAid, the Q3 Strategy Team will assess the need for additional baseline studies through a validation and future research planning workshop. Feedback from this workshop will inform the finalisation of the report on desk-based indicators, ensuring comprehensive coverage and alignment with organisational goals.
Expected Outcome: The completed baseline assessment will provide WaterAid with a foundational understanding of the current status of key indicators related to its strategic milestones. This comprehensive assessment will serve as a crucial tool for monitoring progress and informing strategic decision-making in the pursuit of universal access to WASH and related objectives.